
I am Jana Klímová 32yo and this is my online resume

See it live online at: klimacka.github.io/en_cv.html


I am a front-end web developer with a rich full-stack background. I prioritize comfortable UX, maintainability and efficiency.

I have over 16 years of professional experience, so not only do I know the new stuff buzzing right now, but I've been doing the job when IE 6 and PHP 4 were around and Chrome was not yet a thing.

I have worked on Windows and Linux stacks, using popular technologies like C#, .NET, React, Angular, Vue, Nest, PHP, Python, MySQL, Apache, nginx, IIS etc. and also not-so-popular ones like Pug, TAL, ZODB, Plone, PHPTAL.

Over the years, I've used various languages: C, PHP, Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, among others. A few years back I fell in love with TypeScript and am currently trying to keep writing vanilla JavaScript to a minimum in favor of said TS.

Also, to name a few of my favorite tech things, I would like to continue using: React, Nest, Electron.

Notable skills


  • TypeScript + JS
  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue.js


  • TypeScript +JS on Node.js
  • C# and .NET
  • PHP with Symphony
  • SQL

Human languages

  • Czech: native speaker
  • English: advanced (C1+)
  • I also have some basics of Norwegian and French.



Started learning web development (in PHP)

At that time I was 11 years old and developing localy on my computer my first web pages using WAMP stack.

It looked awfull, were not doing much, but it was an early start! Other kids were playing Mafia while I was trying to figure out how to play music on my website for example.


ATICOM s.r.o. 2006 – 2013

I've started working part-time for 4 to 6 hours every day including weekends, since I was attending high school and a university later on.

What I did back then were various kinds of web projects using ZOPE / Plone CMS ranging from small company websites, over intranet document management systems, to public web applications including an e-shop.


myWAC s.r.o. 2014 – 2015

Development of ERP / CRM / HRM software in Classic ASP (VBscript) and Transact-SQL.


MULTIMA a.s. 2015 – 2016

Development of web-based solutions mainly in ASP.NET (C#) and Transact-SQL.

I've also gained some basic Android development XP there.


Safetica Technologies s.r.o. 2017 – 2019

Over a year of development of Angular SPA.

Before that it was development of frontend (and backend) of a legacy .NET (C#) SPA.

Utilized technologies include: TypeScript + JavaScript, KendoUI, Angular, .NET MVC and more…


Oriflame software s.r.o. 2019 – 2021

Frontend developer for a whole range of internal and external packages / projects.

Utilized technologies include: TypeScript, KendoUI, React, .NET MVC and more…


Kentico software s.r.o. 2021 – 2022

Full-stack developer on .NET + React stacks building parts of headless CMS.

Utilized technologies include: TypeScript, React, Redux, C#, Selenium and more…


Knihobot s.r.o. until June 2022

Full-stack developer on PHP / Express + React / Next.js stacks building internal software for online used bookstore.

Utilized technologies include: TypeScript, React, Next, PHP and more…


SentinelOne CZ s.r.o. Feb 2023 – May 2023

Senior Frontend Engineer with React (active), Angular (passive) and more.


2001 - 2010

1st Czech gymnasium in Karlovy Vary

General grammar school (8-year)

2010 - 2015

Masaryk University (unfinished)

The Faculty of Informatics, Computer Networks and Communication

Tools of trade

  • Bootstrap
  • DRY & KISS
  • Electron
  • ESlint
  • Font Awesome
  • Git
  • Gulp
  • Jest
  • jQuery
  • KendoUI
  • Nest.js
  • Next.js
  • Prettier
  • SASS

Interests & hobbies

  • Tattooing
  • Woodworking
  • Board games
  • Dressmaking
  • DIY &Crafts
  • Gardening
  • Photography
  • Beer tasting
  • Baking
  • Swimming
  • Typography